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Interview of Wolfram Laube in Valencia on in the Context of an Education Policy Conference

Wolfram Laube NAK
Interview of Wolfram Laube in Valencia on in the Context of an Education Policy Conference

Question: Do you think that teaching can make progress? Could we make it better?
Wolfram Laube: Certainly, the answer is YES.
One of the main problems we have in Spain and in Latin America is the need to modernize
our education system in order to adapt it to the 21st century.
Scientific progress finds its way into all kinds of disciplines, and of course, education
cannot be left behind.
Every year we excel in the medical field, with new medications and techniques.
Technology gives us today mobiles 1000 times more powerful than computers of the 80s.
And we are already planning missions to Mars!
The blackboard and the circle of chairs have become obsolete.
It is obvious that a methodology dating back 100 years has been superseded by new techniques and discoveries. Studies in the psychology of learning, the functioning of the
the human brain, the ways of learning… are bearing fruit over the years.
This facilitates faster, deeper, more effective and more comprehensive teaching.
Question: How could we achieve this?
Wolfram Laube: A very well developed Learning Management System – State of the art –
could be the answer!
Question: What are the advantages for the teachers applying such an LMS?
Wolfram Laube: The teachers enjoy important advantages that make a good LMS the
most powerful teaching and learning tool available today.
Different Centres are implemented and will offer multiple benefits:
1. Learning Centre:
Thanks to this tool the teacher ensure that the learners only work on what they don’t know yet. This way a lot of time is saved and the learning process becomes more effective
and efficient.
2. Assessment Centre:
It enables the teacher to know exactly the knowledge of the learner and the knowledge of the class in general. This allows the teacher to concentrate on the deficiencies without
wasting time on what is already mastered.
3. Communication Centre:
It is a powerful tool that allows posting notes, documents, etc. It avoids cumbersome photocopies, thus saving time and money. Nobody has to write anything because it is
100% digital. This way everybody can concentrate as much as possible on the class imparted by the teacher. And the school saves money!
4. Teaching Centre:
Especially for the teacher. It includes teaching materials and learning aids that facilitate the
whole teaching process.
Conclusion: A good LMS reduces the teacher’s work, offers greater transparency about the
learner’s performance and improves communication between the two. And it saves time and money.
Thank you for your time!

Wolfram Laube NAK
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