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10 Steps to create a Stunning Report

10 Steps to create a Stunning Report
  1. Visit Databox and create a free account. The forever free account provides 4 datasources connections with 4 dashboards which is more than sufficient to create facebook ads report. 

databox - data studio alternativeDatabox.com

  1. Choose the data source as “facebook ads” and click to continue.

facebook ads report

  1. Choose the metrics that are important to you but anyway this will be shown in separately in the platform and nothing to do with your reporting. So you don’t even have to choose anything other than the default selection. Once then Click to continue.
  2. You can now add your facebook ad account by yourself or with a help of an teammate if you dont have access. If you have the access, just click “connect now”. The popup will take you to the facebook login where you have to provide the permission. 
  3. Select the ad account that you would like to make the report and click “activate”

activate facebook ads report

Learn more from here - Facebook Ads reporting

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