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Import OST to Gmail

Outlook Emails conversion
Import OST to Gmail

Know a Professional and Quick Way on How to Import OST Files in Gmail

This blog entails the details on how to import OST file in Gmail in a quick way. To know how a user can import an OST mailbox to Gmail, ensure that you do not rush into buying any tool and read the blog to discover a reliable option. Gmail is a platform that is accessed on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Many people prefer to use Gmail as it is safe to use.

Why Does the User Import Outlook to Gmail? 

  • Many people prefer Gmail as it is a cross-platform to import files easily. 
  • Gmail is a high-performance platform that offers an array of features.
  • Many startup companies and individuals prefer to work on Gmail.

Manual Way to Import Outlook Files to Gmail

  • Import Outlook to Gmail On A System

  1. Press on the Start option.
  2. Click on the Default Programs option and go to Set Outlook your default program.
  3. Download, install and run Gmail.
  4. Press on the ‘Tools’ option.
  5. Go to the ‘Import and Export' button.
  6. Press on the ‘Email’ option.
  7. Click on the ‘Next’ tab.
  8. Go to the ‘Outlook’ button.
  9. Right-click on the ‘Next button.
  10. Now, click on the ‘Finish’ tab.

The above are the manual steps to import OST files to Gmail. We don’t suggest using the manual process as it is quite risky. It is suggested that you go for a safe and reliable way to import OST files to Gmail as a single incorrect step can cause data loss and corruption. There is no denying the fact that the Manual method to import OST to Gmail is free but go for a safer option to import OST to Gmail.

Opt For KDETools OST to PST Converter to Import OST File in Gmail

We suggest you opt for KDETools OST to PST converter as it is one of the safest ways to move your OST data to Gmail without losing even a single file. Make sure that you use a reliable tool to execute a safe process to import OST to Gmail and do not take the risk of losing your entire mailbox data.


To ensure a safe process to import OST to Gmail, make sure that you use a reliable tool and do not take the risk of selecting the manual process as you might delete your entire OST mailbox data permanently.

more info- https://www.kdetools.com/ost/gmail/

Outlook Emails conversion
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