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Squint Surgery Specialist in Ghaziabad

Squint Surgery Specialist in Ghaziabad

We offer advanced squint surgery & treatment by Surgery Specialist doctors. Know more about squint causes, symptoms & treatment.


A squint, or strabismus, is a condition in which the eyes do not align properly. One eye turns inwards, upwards, downwards, or outwards, while the other one focuses at one spot. It can happen all the time or intermittently.

Disorder in which the eyes don't look in exactly the same direction at the same time. Causes of strabismus can include nerve injury or dysfunction of the muscles controlling the eye. The main symptom is eyes that don't look in exactly the same direction at the same time.Sai Eye Care and Medical Centre has two branches in Ghaziabad. One is located in Pratapvihar, established in 2011 and second in Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad For team Sai Eye Care and Medical Centre the guiding principle is utmost patient satisfaction and trust.Established in 2019, by Dr. Shivani Bansal, an efficient physician and DrLalit Kumar Singhal , an eminent ophthalmologist, is a health service provider in Ghaziabad U.P.Since its inception, it has been guided by patient centric values of efficiency, precision, compassion, empathy and integrity. Driven by the mission to provide the best health services in fields of General medicine, ophthalmology, Dermatology and Aesthetics.

Sai Eye Care and Medical Centre has two branches in Ghaziabad. One is located in Pratapvihar, established in 2011 and second in Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad For team Sai Eye Care and Medical Centre the guiding principle is utmost patient satisfaction and trust.

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