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Squint - Bharti Eye Foundation

Squint - Bharti Eye Foundation

When the eyes are not pointed in the same direction, it is referred to as squint or strabismus. In other words, a person's staring eye may not focus on the thing. When the patient is gazing straight ahead, the second eye may turn inward, outward, upward, or downward.

This alignment problem could be occasional or continuous. Although it can occur in adults as well, squinting is frequently seen in children. The majority of squints in early childhood may be brought on by poor vision. Adults who develop squints typically do so as a result of secondary factors including trauma, brain lesions, prolonged computer use, etc., and their care is handled differently from that of children. Adults report double vision or diplopia, but children with squint typically learn to suppress the image from the deviating eye.

Surgery and treatments for squinting

A squint is mainly treated by:

  • If your child has long-sightedness or another vision issue that is causing them to squint, glasses may be able to help.
  • Exercises for the muscles that control eye movement, such as eye exercises, can sometimes improve how well the eyes cooperate.
  • Surgery: In this procedure, the muscles that control eye movement are moved to align the eyes properly. If glasses alone are not sufficiently effective, it might be advised. 
  • Injections into the ocular muscles weaken them, aiding in better eye alignment. But often, the effect only lasts a few months.
  • You might need to start by treating your child's lazy eye if it results from their squint.
  • To help the affected eye's vision, lazy eye treatment usually includes covering the undamaged eye with a patch.

At Bharati Eye Foundation, our best eye specialist (in Patel Nagar) provides the best treatment for squint.


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