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gilsonite: characteristics, uses and main types


The various types of asphalt

As mentioned, there is not only one gilsonite. Especially recently, due to the different areas of use, there has certainly been no lack of novelties. Let's see below what are the various types of asphalt:

Draining asphalt. Also known as a 'drainage mantle', it is a highly porous mixture, developed to be used in the automotive sector. It is an Italian patent, dating back to the late 1990s. One of the first tests was carried out in Monza, on March 15, 1999, using a section of the old high-speed ring. The draining gilsonite is permeable to water, even in particularly intense rain conditions: this feature allows you to significantly limit the phenomenon of aquaplaning; in addition, by absorbing much of the water that collects on the track, this type of mantle also avoids the formation of the 'cloud' of water when the cars pass, which creates many visibility problems for the drivers. The promoters of the patent (ACI, ENI and Autodromo) had already conducted experimental tests in the context of ordinary roads, in particular covering a stretch of the Brescia-Venice motorway with excellent results;

Ecological asphalt. In essence, it is 'recycled' asphalt and is a very recent discovery. Also called 'eco-base', this cover for the road surface consists of the residue of the milling of other road covers which, before being reused, is subjected to a certified industrial process, capable of determining the right degree of graininess. At the time of installation, the granulate is mixed with a (cold) emulsion of bitumen and cement, or sand or other binders of biological origin. The result is a sort of foam that allows you to lay a layer two centimeters higher than that of traditional gilsonite (10 cm high);

Liquid gilsonite. When we talk about 'liquid asphalt' we are actually referring to a filler paint based on bitumen dissolved in a solvent; mineral additives are usually added to the mixture. It is generally used for waterproofing works;

Printed gilsonite. Some specialized companies offer the possibility of 'customizing' a surface made with the common black asphalt, giving particular shapes to even not particularly thick surfaces (usually a few centimeters are enough); the work is completed with a coloring phase or with the application of protective resins;

Rough or rough asphalt. The 'roughness' of the asphalt is a very important feature for what concerns road safety. In fact, it is directly related to the grip of the tires; this is greater if the asphalt surface is dry, clean or rough;

Cold gilsonite. It is a product that contains a bituminous part and some substances that make it very plastic and easily applicable; for this reason it is particularly suitable for do-it-yourself, for application on not too large areas and for not particularly complex interventions. The costs are not excessive but the performance is lower than the more common hot asphalt, which ensures greater resistance and grip but does not lend itself to inexperienced labor.

Graphene asphalt

This extremely recent technology deserves a separate mention. Graphene gilsonite, like the draining one, is an Italian patent, filed in 2017 as part of a three-year research project called Ecopave. The mixture, as it is easy to guess from the name itself, is based on graphene, a highly resistant but equally plastic material. This innovative mixture has numerous advantages over the more common bituminous conglomerates, as it lasts longer, resists deformation forces better. In addition, even the 'tracks' left by the tires are less evident.

The product, called Gipave, was developed by a Bergamo-based company (Iterchimica) in collaboration with Directa Plus, a company that produces graphene-based products and is also listed on the London Stock Exchange. The first test, dating back to April 2019, was carried out on the Ardeatina provincial road, in the province of Rome.

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