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What is Gilsonite?


What is Gilsonite?

Gilsonite is the natural mineral bitumen first discovered by Gilson in the USA and later named Gilsonite. It is a shiny brittle rock form containing many elements besides hydrogen and carbon. Also available in other countries such as Indonesia, Iraq, Croatia, Colombia, China and Turkey

Gilsonite quality

Gilsonite quality depends on the location of the drill. In the center of ore mining, the best quality we will have if it contains more impurities.

Gilsonite Powder

Does the brittle material dust easily according to customer requirement? We can produce from 10 mesh to 30-40 mesh, then 70-100 mesh and 150-200 mesh to 325 and 600 mesh. Each application side of the powder will be different, and we will advise the customer how to use it.

Classes and demands

Gilsonite classified by mesh, softening point, solubility and impurities and the rest is not in contract as the mineral is natural and differs from day to day and by location. If the customer focuses on only one product, he is a loser. I mean if for example it requires high softening point then there is no solubility or less impurities are the same.

Gilsonite packaging

Gilsonite packaging is made to customer demand, but we recommend choosing the best possible one to re-protect moisture and sun. Normally oil companies buy 50LBS paper bags as they need to be recycled and pass ISO certifications.

Use of Gilsonite

It is used as a fluid loss control additive in oil well drilling and works as a hole sealer. There are other benefits to the lubricant during rod rolling and cooling due to the heating of the rod.

In ink used as stabilizer of carbon-containing ink compound.

It protects antibacterial paints and surfaces in paint production.

It creates a shiny surface in casting and easily separates molds and parts.

In wax that works as Shinney varnishes.

In composite wall decoration used as a concealer.

In bitumen used as a rubberizer of asphalt.

Carbon activated in medicine, battery, military use too.

Gilsonite price

Gilsonite's price varies during the summer and winter months, as well as the price of oil and how many mines are being explored. Normally a lot of rain and snow work stops at the mine site in the winter and many choose to shut it down until the dry season. In the summer the weather is very hot and dry, so most of them work and store for the rainy season. If the summer price is lower, the winter is higher, and the oil price is more than $50, the demand in the market is very high, and normally the pulverized production line has the queue.

Gilsonite for sale

Normally the customer asks for samples before confirming the order. When we sell it, it is the same as the current sample and always available to collect and test. Normally we ask if it will be used before? What is the target? What kind of packaging are you looking for?

Delivery time and readiness

Delivery time depends on customer's mark, some need color printing on the bag, so we need to wait to prepare, so if they need special requirement, we need to wait, but if the order is flat and no mark, during 7 days 200MT for them and 400MT in jumbo bag 30-40 mesh We can fill it.

Why are we the #1 exporter of Gilsonite?

For over 15 years we have been working Gilsonite from A to Z mining and exploration, pulverizing and packaging, shipping and exporting, inspection, packaging, international requirement and standard, financial and global reference in this kind of business and Dubai' We also stockpile. , Singapore, Malaysia, USA and Turkey. We know what you need for you.


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