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House Levelling

Understanding House Levelling

When it comes to maintaining the structural integrity and safety of our homes, one important aspect that often goes overlooked is house levelling. Over time, houses can start to settle due to various factors such as soil erosion, foundation issues, or even natural disasters. This can lead to a host of problems, including uneven floors, cracks in walls, and doors that no longer close properly. In this article, we will delve into the world of house levelling, exploring what it is, why it matters, and how it can be done effectively.

What is House Levelling?

House levelling, also known as foundation levelling, is the process of restoring a home's foundation to its original position and ensuring that it is level and stable. It involves taking corrective measures to address any settlement or sinking that has occurred over time. By bringing the foundation back to its proper level, house levelling prevents further damage and helps maintain the structural integrity of the entire house.

Why Does House Levelling Matter?

House levelling is a crucial aspect of maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment. Here are a few reasons why it matters:

  • Structural Stability: When a house settles unevenly, it can result in an unstable foundation. This can lead to serious structural issues, including cracked walls, sloping floors, and even collapsed foundations. House levelling ensures that the foundation is secure and prevents further damage to the structure.
  • Prevents Additional Damage: Uneven settlement can put added stress on various parts of the house, leading to further damage. By addressing the settlement early on through house levelling, you can avoid costly repairs down the line.
  • Preserves Property Value: A house with a compromised foundation is likely to lose value over time. Investing in house levelling not only protects your investment but also ensures that your property retains its market value.
  • Enhances Safety: Uneven floors and cracked walls not only affect the aesthetics of your home but also pose safety risks. By levelling the house, you create a safer living environment for you and your family.

How is House Levelling Done?

The process of house levelling involves several steps and requires the expertise of professionals. Here is a general overview of how it is done:

1. Inspection and Assessment

The first step in house levelling is to conduct a thorough inspection of the foundation and the extent of settlement. This includes examining the exterior and interior of the house, checking for cracks, measuring floor slopes, and identifying any other signs of foundation issues. Based on the assessment, the appropriate levelling technique can be determined.

2. Choosing the Levelling Method

There are various methods used for house levelling, and the choice depends on the specific needs of your home. Here are a few common levelling techniques:

  • Concrete Piers: This method involves driving concrete cylinders into the ground beneath the foundation to provide additional support. It is suitable for homes with moderate settlement issues.
  • Steel Piers: Steel piers are pushed into the ground until they reach load-bearing strata. They offer a more long-term solution for severe settlement problems.
  • Mudjacking: Also known as slab jacking, this method involves injecting a mixture of cement, soil, and other additives beneath a sunken concrete slab. It is effective for addressing uneven floors.
  • Helical Piers: Helical piers are screwed into the ground to stabilize the foundation. They are commonly used for both residential and commercial applications.

3. Execution of Levelling Plan

Once the levelling method is selected, the actual levelling process begins. This may involve excavating the foundation, installing piers or jacks, and gradually adjusting them to bring the foundation back to its original level. The process requires precision and careful monitoring to ensure the desired results are achieved.

4. Additional Repairs

In some cases, house levelling may uncover other issues such as plumbing leaks, damaged beams, or rotten wood. These issues should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage to the foundation and the overall structure of the house.

5. Post-Levelling Inspections

After the levelling process is completed, it is essential to conduct post-levelling inspections to ensure that the foundation is stable and the settlement issues have been properly resolved. This may include measuring floor slopes, checking for cracks, and ensuring that the house is level both horizontally and vertically.

When Should You Consider House Levelling?

While it is always best to consult with professionals for an accurate assessment, there are some signs that indicate the need for house levelling:

  • Cracks in Walls or Floors: Horizontal or stair-step cracks in walls, uneven floors, or cracks in tiles can indicate foundation settlement.
  • Doors and Windows that Stick: If your doors and windows no longer open or close properly, it may be due to an unlevel foundation.
  • Sagging or Uneven Roofline: A roofline that appears to dip or sag in certain areas can be a sign of foundation settlement.
  • Evidence of Moisture or Water Damage: Excessive moisture or water damage in the basement or crawl space can contribute to foundation issues.
  • Sloping Floors: If you notice that the floors of your house are sloping or uneven, it may be an indication of foundation problems.

If you observe any of these signs, it is essential to seek professional advice to determine if house levelling is necessary.

The Benefits of Professional House Levelling

While there are DIY techniques available for house levelling, it is highly recommended to hire professionals for this critical task. Here's why:

  • Expertise: Professional house levelling contractors have the knowledge and experience to accurately assess foundation issues and implement appropriate solutions.
  • Specialized Equipment: Levelling a house requires specialized equipment that professionals have access to. They have the tools and machinery necessary to execute the levelling plan effectively.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Professionals can complete the levelling process more efficiently, saving you time and resources. They can also identify any underlying issues that require immediate attention, potentially saving you from expensive repairs later on.
  • Warranty and Guarantees: Reputable house levelling companies often provide warranties and guarantees for their work, giving you peace of mind knowing that the job is done right.


House levelling is a crucial process for maintaining the stability and safety of your home. By addressing foundation settlement and restoring the house to its original level, you can prevent further damage, enhance the structural integrity, and protect your investment. If you notice any signs of foundation issues, it is important to consult with professionals who can assess the situation and recommend the most suitable levelling method for your home. Remember, timely action is key to avoiding more extensive and expensive repairs in the future.

Contact Us.

Name: House Lifters North Island

Address: 66C Morrin Road, St Johns, Auckland 1072, New Zealand

Phone: +64 9 448 1109

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