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Find out the best Medical Internist in NJ

Marion A. Overbey
Find out the best Medical Internist in NJ

You are looking for the best doctor for you and your loved ones. Stop worrying about who is the best to take care of your health and well-being. We provide you with information about the Top Medical internists, reviewed and chosen by their peers. Take a step forward to discover what AstraMD Health is all about

Get in touch with AstraMD Health. We have Newark, New Jersey's leading double board-certified Internal and Obesity medicine specialist specializing in Weight Loss, Internal Medicine, Medical Internist, Bioidentical Hormone Specialist NJ, and Vivitrol Doctor NJ services helping you to achieve your goals.

Dr. Natasha Fuksina comes from a long line of doctors, dentists, and scientists. She knew from a young age that clinical medicine was her calling. She followed in the footsteps of her dad, who was doing rounds in the ICU, and her mother, who was working in her biochemistry research lab.

She now uses an Integrated Residency Program strategy in her clinic, which involves identifying the root causes of a disease process and applying traditional and functional medicine suggestions to restore health and function.

The focus of such a customized strategy is on the individual patient, his or her metabolism, and genetic make-up, resulting in a one-of-a-kind custom-tailored treatment aimed at correcting or improving existing status and preventing functional deterioration.

Consult the best Medical Internist In NJ!

Marion A. Overbey
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