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The Role of the Laser in Cosmetology

Lucille Yang
The Role of the Laser in Cosmetology


(1) The use of lasers in the industry of beauté is more répandue. Pigmentation, such as Ota, port wine stains, freckles, télangiectasie, etc., as Well as tattoo, eye-liner, cleaning of the eyebrows, scar treatment, etc, Before 2013, some new lasers, laser CO2 ultra pulsé haute éenergy, green laser pointer à hélium (f) for l'éelimination of wrinkles, the resurfa&case;age of the skin, the treatment of snoring, teeth whitening, etc, donné de bons réresults, opening a wider field for the laser surgery.

(2) surgery in the blue laser pointer supériorité than the traditional surgery may not égaler. First of all, the laser surgery only nérequires no hospitalization, the surgical incision is small, no bleeding during surgery, trauma, léger, no scars. For example, the méthode surgical traditional utilisée for under eye bags présente the drawbackénients of the following: coat étense, excessive bleeding during the opération, guéhealing slow postopératoire and scar formation easy, but the use of the CO2 laser à haute éenergy for the treatment of bags under the eyes do not bleed out during surgery. No need of suture, does not affect the normal work, the connection;dème of the surgical site is léger, a récupération, fast, no scars, etc, which makes the traditional surgery inégalée. Some endoscopic procedures are impossible to perform due to excessive bleeding that can &our vision to be replacedées by a délaser cutting. (Note: there is a certain range of adaptation)

green laser pointer powerful

(3) The laser surgery has créé a new ère de beauté méof association. The resurfa&case;age of the skin to CO2 laser ultra-pulseé à haute éenergy paved the way to new technologies in surgery esthétique. It uses lasers à haute érgy and à pulses extr&stop, extremely short for spray instantéing the tissue cutanés damagedés, without damaging the surrounding tissue, almost no bleeding during the treatment, and with a contr&taxes;the précis of the depth of action. L’effect été fully confirmé l’international industry of plastic surgery méof association and is known for & "créer a new ère de beauté méof association";. In addition, CO2 lasers ultra-pulsés à haute éenergy are utilisés to treat rings under the eyes, snoring, and m&stop, me teeth whitening laser pointer 100mw, with a effectivenessé s&burn;re and précise. A simple and fast processing a créé a miracle après in the industry of the beauté méof association. The beauté laser has made the beauté méof association a great step forward and gives the meaning of the renewal of the beauté méof association.

(4) lasers have achieved d’excellents résults in the treatment of diseases of the skin vascular and pigmentation. The use of the laser à dye pulsé to treat stains of port wine is efficient, causing little damage to surrounding tissue and virtually no loss. His appearance has become a réevolution in the history of the treatment of port-wine stains of Porto: because of the treatment of port-wine stains of the brand, of radiation, of the congélation, l'électrocautéscanning, surgery and other mémethods, the number of scars is élevé and it often occurs a pigmentation or convulsions. The laser treatment of skin diseases, vascular consists of the absorption séselective for a certain wavelength of laser pointer 200mw by the oxyhéhemoglobin, which entered cool;not a strong destruction of the vascular tissue, which is extr&stop, extremely précise and safe, and does not affect the adjacent tissues surrounding. By conséquent, the laser treatment of the télangiectasie is éalso effective. In addition, due to the successive introduction of lasers à pulse variable, the treatment of tattoos and unsatisfied the treatment of various diseases of the skin pigmentée, such that the Ota, age spots and others have done of percées major. This type of laser is lowé the théory of l’effect photothermal sélectif (c’isà-say that différentes lengths d’wavelength of the laser can act in manière séselective on the léinjury cutanées différentes color), grâce à his power is instantée powerful, his éenergy-saving radiant highly concentratedée and his sélectivité pigment, his pulse extr&stop, extremely short, Broad, theéenergy of the laser is concentratedée on the pigment particles, directly vaporisée, broyée and excrétée à through the lymphatic tissue without affecting the surrounding normal tissue, and the effect is clear, s&burn;r and reliable, no scar, painful and deepément enraciné in the c&connection heart of the people.

Lucille Yang
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