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Lifestyle Disease Prevention | Yoga for Chronic Diseases Treatment - Aayu
How to Manage PCOS with Yoga?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal issue that affects one in five (20%) women in India. Despite its common occurrence, studies reveal that a shocking 70% of women with PCOS remain undiagnosed or unaware that they are suffering from this issue. 

While PCOS by itself is not a life-threatening condition, it can set into motion several comorbidities that can cause serious health complications like diabetes and infertility in the long run. If not dealt with effectively, it can also induce life-threatening conditions such as heart disease. Therefore, managing PCOS is extremely crucial in maintaining hormonal harmony and good health. One of the most effective ways to manage this condition is to practice yoga asanas for PCOS, daily.

In this article, we discuss in detail what PCOS is, its causes, symptoms to watch out for, and why yoga is the perfect solution for polycystic ovaries.

What is PCOS? 

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that impacts women of reproductive age. It is known as polycystic ovary syndrome as it is often characterized by the development of several small collections of fluid or follicles in the ovaries which impairs their ability to release eggs on time.

While the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, we find it often co-exists with conditions such as obesity. Thus, weight loss usually helps in treating this condition and reducing its long-term impact. 

Symptoms of PCOS

Below are some of the most common signs of PCOS. However, your doctor may diagnose you with this condition even if you show at least two of these symptoms: 

1. Excessive male hormones

Androgens are a group of hormones that carry out the function of maintaining sexual and reproductive health in men. Androgens are present in small amounts in women. However, when there is an excess of androgens production in women, it is regarded as a symptom of PCOS. Some signs that you may have excessive androgens include excessive facial and body hair (hirsutism), weight gain, acne, and male-patterned baldness. 

 2. Cyst formation in the ovaries

Fluid-filled sacs or follicles in the ovaries cause them to enlarge and surround the eggs. This also negatively impacts fertility. 

3. Skipped or irregular periods

The male hormone hinders the menstrual cycle so women with PCOS experience fewer periods. This is usually the most common sign of PCOS. 

Other common symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Weight gain (Signs and symptoms of PCOS are usually worsened by obesity)
  •  Acne breakouts (chest, face, upper back)
  •  Skin darkening (underneath the breasts, neck, the groin region)
  • Hair-fall and even baldness
  • Headaches
  • Excess hair growth on the face and body

Causes of PCOS

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown but experts believe that a combination of one or more of the following 4 factors could play a role: 

  1. Genetics 
  2. Insulin resistance along with obesity
  3. A high degree of inflammation (often caused due to being overweight), which can shoot up androgen levels
  4. An unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle along with inadequate nutrition

How to manage PCOS in daily life?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a life-long condition. Whilst there is no cure for it, the patient can manage the symptoms quite effectively through lifestyle modifications and/or medications:  

1. Consuming medications such as progesterone tablets to stabilize absent or irregular periods

2. Taking medications to combat hair loss and excessive facial hair growth 

3. Opting for OTC or prescription acne treatments (depending on the severity of the acne)

4. Lifestyle changes such as consuming a balanced diet and staying active by practicing yoga, etc.

Healing PCOS with YOGA

Yoga has proven to be quite effective in managing a large number of PCOS symptoms. 

3 Ways Yoga for PCOS and Hormonal Imbalance helps you :

1. Manages PCOS-Related Anxiety

Living with PCOS causes hormonal imbalances that makes you prone to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Practicing yoga has a calming effect on your body, mind, and soul, thereby, greatly relieving you of stress and anxiety. Doing yoga asanas for PCOS problem is an effective non-invasive treatment option for women looking for daily holistic management of the condition.

2. Brings Stability to Your Hormones

A study released by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine assessed girls that were diagnosed with PCOS who regularly involved themselves in an hour-long yoga session for a full 12 weeks. After the mentioned weeks were complete, the girls showed noticeable improvement in their hormonal levels, namely testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and anti-mullerian hormone. Some girls even reported consistent menstrual frequency.

3. Positively Impacts Metabolic Markers

Practicing yoga asanas for PCOS treatment has also produced positive results in managing cholesterol and insulin levels in women. Compared to conventionally understood exercise methods like weight lifting, resistance training, running, or cycling, yoga has shown better performance in regulating lipid profile, glucose levels, and insulin resistance.

Top 5 Yoga Asanas for PCOS

1. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Level: Beginner-Friendly 

This humble backbend is not to be underestimated on account of how easy it is to do. The Bridge pose strengthens your chest as well as your back and leg muscles while simultaneously relieving tension from it. By alleviating physical stressors from the body, it revitalizes you and relaxes you, both at the same time, calming your mind. According to the International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), Bridge Pose is considered a mild inversion as while performing this pose, your heart is at a higher level than your head. Thus it offers all the advantages of an inversion, such as relief from anxiety, mild depression, insomnia, and tiredness as it not only calms the mind but also reduces blood pressure.

2. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Level: Beginner-intermediate

This pose brings you comfort from menstrual pain, stimulates your reproductive organs (in case of infertility), and improves blood circulation to the pelvic region. It also relaxes the abdominal organs and stretches your leg, neck, and shoulder muscles.

3. Chakravakasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Level: Beginner-Friendly

This pose which is a Vinyasa Yoga staple is highly recommended for managing stress as the movement is synchronized with your breathing in such a way that it immediately induces feelings of relaxation. The Cat-Cow is also great for reducing back pain. 

4. Malasana (Garland Pose)

Level: Intermediate -Advanced

This asana is yoga’s worthy comeback to a deep squat. However, just like a deep squat, it can be difficult for practitioners who are just starting on their yoga or fitness journey. Luckily, like most yoga poses it has variations that make it accessible to newbies who can enjoy the myriad benefits of this pose by modifying it just slightly to suit varying fitness levels. 

This pose is especially beneficial if you have PCOS because:

-It helps release stress 

-It aids in digestion. As indigestion and PCOS are often interrelated, this pose is a must for those who suffer from digestive issues and PCOS.

-It eases menstrual cramps and discomfort. Those with PCOS often experience heavy, painful periods. Malasana opens up your hips and offers relief from period pains. 

5. Kapalbhati Pranayama (Breathing Technique)

Level: Beginner-friendly

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a Kundalini Yoga and active meditation technique that can be a powerful tool in healing PCOS symptoms. Especially, signs like stress, high blood sugar levels, and obesity. Also known as Breath of Fire, Kapalbhati is most effective when performed early in the morning on an empty stomach. The technique involves passive inhalations and forceful exhalations through the nose.


Yoga for PCOS has a 360-degree healing effect. It regulates your hormonal levels, eases symptoms of menstrual pain, enhances your reproductive, metabolic, and digestive health, and alleviates stress. Incorporating yoga asanas for PCOS treatment in your daily workout routine is a powerful step in the right direction for long-term and effective PCOS management.











Lifestyle Disease Prevention | Yoga for Chronic Diseases Treatment - Aayu
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