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Can Children Get Dental Implants in Plymouth?

Advanced Periodontics
Can Children Get Dental Implants in Plymouth?

A dental implant is a high-tech artificial replacement for the root of your tooth that mimics the whole tooth structure. Surgeons use a titanium root and screws into your jawbone that support a crown, bridge, or denture. They numb your mouth with a local anesthesia and install the screw. After a dental implant in Plymouth, your tooth looks and acts like a natural tooth and can last a lifetime if properly cared for. 

Dental implants are an excellent solution for replacing a lost tooth in adults. However, many doctors won’t suggest dental implant surgery for children and teenagers as their jaws are still developing, and their bone and gum tissues are not fully formed. If an implant surgery is done on a kid, it can hinder normal jaw growth and the development of additional teeth. 

Thus, when your child comes to a certain age, and their jaws have stopped developing, then you can take them for dental implant surgery.

In this post, we will discuss when dental implants might suit kids and important factors that you must consider in this procedure. We also mention major reasons that cause tooth loss in children. By the end of this article, you will gain enough knowledge to make an informed decision regarding your kid’s dental health. 

Causes of tooth loss in children:

  • Gum disease: If your kid has gum disease, and you delay the treatment, it will lead to tooth loss. 

  • Tooth decay: Cavities are a common issue in kids that cause tooth decay that results in tooth loss.

  • Accidents: Your kid can lose a tooth due to falls, sports injuries, or other types of accidents while playing.

  • Bruxism: If your kid grinds his teeth, it may result in tooth damage or loss.

  • Abnormal tooth development: There are some issues with development that can interfere with the growth of teeth and cause early tooth loss.

  • Genetic reasons: Since there is a family history of genetic dental disorders, your children may be naturally prone to tooth loss.

  • Poor dental hygiene: Regularly skipping to brush and floss can cause gum disease and tooth decay, both of which may end up in tooth loss.

For your children's best oral health and to avoid tooth loss, you should strongly encourage proper oral hygiene practices and routine dental exams.

When Should You Consider Getting Dental Implants For Your Children?

  • Congenital tooth absence: 

This refers to a condition in which some kids are born without any teeth. Dental implants may be a possibility in these situations after the child's jawbone has properly developed, which is often in late adolescence.

  • Accidental Tooth Loss: 

If your children are involved in accidents or sports-related injuries, then they may lose a permanent tooth. Moreover, if the child's general health and developmental stage support the treatment, dental implants may be an option in such circumstances.

  • Gum diseases or dental decay:

Occasionally, children may develop severe gum disease or extensive tooth decay that cannot be sufficiently repaired using routine dental procedures. Dental implants may be a final choice in such cases, but only after all other treatment options have been exhausted.

Important Consideration To Take:

Age: A child's jaw and facial features are still growing. Dental implants should only be taken into consideration once a child's jawbone has finished growing, usually in the late teens. Natural growth and development may be hindered by inserting implants too early.

Psychological Impact: Dental implants can be stressful for kids, much like any medical surgery, due to emotional and psychological factors. A child's emotional preparedness should be evaluated, and the right therapy and assistance should be given.

Overall Health: It is crucial to consider the child's physical condition as well as their ability to endure anesthesia and surgery. Before undergoing dental implant surgery, a comprehensive medical evaluation is necessary.

Alternative Treatment: Before suggesting dental implants for children, dentists should consider all available alternative treatments. The substitutes could be gap maintainers, braces, or detachable partial dentures.

Consultation with Specialists: A team of dental specialists, including pediatric dentists, oral surgeons, and orthodontists, should be consulted before deciding whether to pursue dental implants for a child. These professionals can offer thorough evaluations and treatment strategies.


Dental implants in Michigan are generally not advisable for children, so It is essential to approach this treatment option with significant care and attention, even if they are appropriate in some circumstances, such as genetic tooth absence or accidental tooth loss. 

Before proceeding with dental implant surgery, it is important to carefully evaluate the child's age, emotional awareness, overall wellness, and any alternative treatments.

In the end, the child's welfare and long-term dental health should come first. Together, parents and medical professionals should come to wise judgments that include the child's dental health needs both now and in the future.

Advanced Periodontics is a trusted dental healthcare center with a team of qualified doctors. Their staff is well-versed in conservative and surgical treatment, including cosmetic procedures. They take pride in offering top-quality dental care with complete safety and comfort. 

Call 734-459-4077 and consult with their team to determine if implant treatment is right for your child.

Advanced Periodontics
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